School Alerts


Castle Academy aims to provide a curriculum that is broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated to provide for varied abilities. Barriers to learning are removed and we provide suitable learning challenges that respond to diverse needs. This encompasses a variety of exciting, first-hand experiences to enable children to acquire appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding preparing them for today’s world. Through the provision of a stimulating environment, children will develop to their full potential academically, socially and physically.

The framework for the children’s learning is provided by the National Curriculum which sets out the core subjects of Maths, English and Science along with Computing, PE, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art, Music, Religious Education and French. We also teach Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education, Enterprise and Outdoor Learning attaching great importance to the development of social skills. The curriculum encourages children to develop self-discipline and responsibility and to work collaboratively with others.

Great emphasis is placed on learning the basic skills of English, Communication and Maths. As well as teaching these lessons separately, we believe that a creative thematic curriculum where areas of learning are linked motivates children to learn more effectively and develop personal skills transferable across lessons and useful in wider life.

Homework Policy at Castle Academy.

We have been reviewing our homework policy and below is a summary of what children are expected to do at home each week. Homework really helps your child to practise skills learnt during lesson time so we ask for your support in encouraging your child to complete and return their homework. Work set will be within your child’s capabilities so they should not be asking for lots of help with this. We would appreciate you listening to your child read so that they can ask you the meaning of any tricky words.

We will also be monitoring the homework of our upper KS 2 children (Years 4- 6) to make sure that this is completed.


All classes should be reading at least 4 times each week.

FS 2- Phonics sound sheets when they are introduced to the children and tricky words to read and spell.

Year 1 and 2- Weekly spelling and a Mathematics activity.

Years 3- 6 “TT Rock Stars” practice, weekly spellings and a Mathematics activity (arithmetic focus) and a grammar or reading comprehension activity.

Homework will be sent on a Thursday to be returned by the following Wednesday.

We also have our termly homework challenges linked to the current theme. If you have any questions about homework then please speak to your child’s teacher.