Castle Academy Early Years Foundation Stage
Foundation Stage 2
Welcome to our class website.
Our class teachers are Mrs Harrop and Miss Blagden our Teaching Assistants are called Mrs Featherstone, Mrs Duffty and Mrs Flanaghan.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
For more information about the Early Years Foundation Stage and how parents can support children’s learning, click on the link below to visit our EYFS Information webpage:
EYFS Information – Castle Academy (
Our Morning Routine
You will be able to drop your child off at the gate to the FS2 building. We encourage children to be independent when coming into school.
What do we need to bring to school?
Children will need to bring a book bag and water bottle to school everyday.
Weekly Events
Each Friday we enjoy our Forest School learning with Mrs Duffty. Please send children to school in full uniform and bring waterproof footwear and a change of clothing with them. We will go out in all weather types.
PE is every Tuesday. Children need to come to school dressed in PE kit.
Reading Challenge
Every child will need a bookbag and will need to bring it to school everyday. The expectation is that all children read at least 4 times per week and will be awarded one sticker on their Reading Challenge card. If they read at least five times they will earn two stickers. Milestones earn prizes!
All reading can be logged on our BoomReader online reading journal:
BoomReader Parents (
Click the link below to find out what we will be learning about this year: